MOW-Eternal Life (John 17:3)
Mathew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. (kjv) [...]
BUILDING CAPACITY 10/08/2024 YOU CAN LET GO Dear Friends, Being hurt and heartbroken by someone we trust can be very painful. Holding onto this experience might seem like the only way to prevent ourselves from similar encounters again. But, that’s the worst thing to do to yourself. Holding onto past [...]
*WORD* *ENCOUNTER* . *10/08/2024* *Topic: GOD’S* *PLAN* . *Text : Jer 29:11* *Part A: HOW TO KNOW GOD’S* *PLAN* . *10 – Have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. 1 Corin 2:10-11* *1 Corin 2:10* Says,” God has revealed to us by His Spirit, the Spirit searches the all [...]
Good morning, my beloved (MOW) family Today’s topic: The habit of joyful and confident hope Romans 5:4 Endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Does it feel like the attack coming against you right now is more than you can bear? If so, read this: ‘Not only that, but we [...]
Ministry Of the Word: True Spirituality Word for Today: Time for your manifestation as a son is NOW. Beloved, all creation of God is awaiting your manifestation as a son of God. Have you been empowered? Acts 1:8. If not, sincerely ask the Holy Spirit to come upon you. The [...]