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MOW:TS – PERFECT power in WEAKNESS (Bro Ben Bassey)

17 November 2013.

Jesus is Lord ( Phil 2:11)

Ministry of the Word (MOW)

Improving our Spiritual Understanding

True Spirituality (Series 83)

Theme: Your Strength is made Perfect in weaknes!


You  may think you do not have the resources, qualifications, or capability to carry out certain divine assignment, never forget  in Christ Jesus, you  strength is made perfect where there is a weakness(2 Cor 12:9). If the assignment is from God, He will certainly provide d means. Never limit yourself with what u can see with ur physical eyes be in Christ, we walk by faith & not by sight(2 Cor 5:7)

When Christ died on the cross, our infirmities, burden, poverty etc were crucified with him so that we can live victorious life through d POWER of d Holy Ghost that dwells in us: The Word says: for we know the grace of our Lord Jesus that though he was rich He became poor that we through His poverty will become rich (2 Cor 8:9)

Brethren, do you have a weakness? Then begin to thank God and praise JESUS for it! You can be sure, you are the one the Lord is looking for. This is because the power of God is made perfect where there is a weakness. Brother Paul who accomplished extra -ordinary things for God gives us an insight into how his weakness became his greatest strength. Three times Brother Paul pleaded with the Lord, to take away his weakness (2Cor 12:8). He received the same response from the Lord: My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness(2Cor 12:9). Therefore, Paul praised the Lord for his weakness, and gives us very deep understanding of how to handle our weaknesses when he says: Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me(2 Cor 12:9).

Indeed, the scripture says of JESUS: For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you.(2 Cor 13:4). No wonder the Word of God says God has chosen to use the weak and foolish things of this world to shame the wise and mighty: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty(1 Cor 1:27).

This season, may GRACE locate you and turn  your weakness to perfect strength in Jesus Mighty name.  Remember, you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthen u (Phil 4:13). Receive more grace in Jesus name.

To have increasing spiritual knowledge, requires total fear of God, and  spiritual training in the word of God: Train yourself to be godly(1Tim 4:7-8 NIV). Please, key into the Word of God Ministry.

PRAYER: There is someone reading this message, receive the grace of perfection in your weak areas in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!

In the Ministry Of the Word (MOW)-Acts 6:4, we primarily encourage and empower believers to be rich in the words of God: let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom(Col 3:16). The entrance of the WORD is the true source of light in a dark world(Ps 119:130). We also encourage believers to speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs(Eph 5:19). We encourage everyone to seek first the kingdom of God & his righteousness(Matt 6:33). Righteousness exalts…(Prov 14:34). We emphasize that pure Christianity is about True Spirituality in Christ Jesus. We emphasize that the POWER in the blood of Jesus has set us FREE from bondage, and that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2Cor 3:17). Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life(John 14:6). Jesus is the Word of God who existed with God from the beginning(John 1:1).He created all things and without him was not anything made(John 1:3) The words of God are spirit & are Life(John 6:63). We allow the Scriptures to answer all questions. We create the awareness of the truth that Jesus has made all true believerskings and priests unto God and his Father(Rev 1:6). In addition, as a spiritual body, we also empower unbelievers, using the principles of our Lord Jesus Christ with the understanding that when they witness the power of the living God, they will exalt his holy name (Psalm 46:10). One major objective of MOW is to increasingly improve spiritual understanding of everyone. Spiritual ignorance is a major cause of human destruction, even within the body of Christ(Hosea 4:6). Indeed, many children of God have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge (Isa 5:13). Please note that the MOW is an initiative and the spiritual arm of Abasi Health Foundation (AHF). AHF is a registered NGO in Nigeria , with the primary objective of empowering all groups of people to optimize their health. It is aimed at encouraging everyone to have increasing awareness of three broad levels of health: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. May God give you the grace of increasing understanding in Jesus Name. Amen. Websites: http//; http//

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice (Phil 4:4).

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