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MOW – Boast Only in the Lord – by Pastor Raphael


Text: Psalms 34:2 KJV

My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Psalms 34:2 KJV

When something good happens in life, we are often praised for our own works, achievements, skills, and talents. We used to claim glory for ourselves when we were not yet believers of Christ. But now that we are, we know that there is no good thing in us (Romans 7:18) and that everything good in our life comes from God (James 1:17).

Beloved, when King David thought about his behaving like a crazy person before he and Abimelech escaped Gath, he could have thought of himself as wise to be able to reason in such a situation, but instead, he praised God and gave all the glory to Him! It was the Lord Who delivered him from harm and made boast in the Lord. May all your boastings too be in the Lord only, beloved! Give Him all the glory and highest praise whenever someone tries to give you credit! Hallelujah!



Lord God, thank You for all the things that You are doing in my life. I give You all the glory and honor for the things that have happened and have been happening in my life and that of my family. Without You, I would have not been able to make it this year, and I am grateful for all that You have done in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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