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MOW:TS – Embrace Hard Work & Diligence (Mow Family)

Ministry of the Word (MOW):

True Spirituality (TS)

Improving Our Spiritual Understanding

Theme: Embrace Hard Work & Diligence!

Memory Verse:


To excel in life, you must embrace the attitude of hard work and apply God’s principles. In Christ, our God is very much against laziness and non-challance. If you are hardworking, and you apply the principles of God in Christ, you can never lack in anything.

One clear attribute that our Lord  and Saviour , Jesus Christ exhibited while on earth was hard work, as per

our memory verse above. He was not only hardworking but diligent, zealous and sincere.

God is so much against laziness that His word says, a lazy person should not eat. Of course, the end result of not eating is death! Hear what the word of God says through apostle Paul: ‘For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat’ (2 Thess 3:10).

Aside from hard work, one of the very key principles of God is DILIGENCE.  In a very simple term, diligence means paying ATTENTION to MINUTE DETAILS in what ever  you are doing. The Word says: ‘Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men’ (Prov 22:29).

Truly all the promises and blessings of God are tied to diligent obedience of  His words eg Deu 28:1-14; Exo  15:26.

God will not bless a lazy person. Also, one can be hardworking without seeing results, if he does not apply the principles of God.  To obtain God’s blessing, you have to be hardworking, diligent, transparent, honest, sincere, dedicated, generous etc. Non challant attitude to work  is a major cause of destruction. The book of Proverbs says:  ‘He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster’  (Prov 18:9).

A few of my spiritual children are currently struggling seriously in the area of diligence and integrity. Aside from lack of diligence, many are inconsistent in doing God’s work. I keep praying that God’s grace be multiplied in their lives in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: Receive increasing grace of hard work, diligence and application of God’s principles in Jesus name. Amen.

 Yours in the Vineyard.  Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, & the MOW family

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