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MOW-God cannot Lie (Sis Beatrice Nkamere)

Title: God cannot Lie By Sis Beatrice Nkamere

Date: 23 May 12

Everything that has to do with men, everything in this natural world, is subject to change but the WORD of GOD is not. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but MY word shall not pass away, saith the LORD (Matt 24:35). See also Psalm 119:89. The Word of GOD is true even when everything else around you is telling you otherwise. But notice that Romans 3:3-4 says, you must let GOD be true in your life.

To do so, you must forever settle in your heart and mind that, there is no fault in GOD. There is no shadow of turning in Him (James 1:17). There is no weakness or shortcoming in His word.

You will never catch GOD in a lie (whether white or black). You will never get in a situation where you exercise faith in GOD’S Word and GOD fails to keep that Word. Never! The Bible says that GOD is active and alert, watching over His Word to perform it (Jer 1:12, Amp).

Understand, however, that it’s not enough just to know what the Word says. It must be reality to you- more real than the problem you face. For example, maybe you or your children have experienced recurring symptom of an illness for a long time. If so, you need to sit down and ask yourself, Do I really believe that according to 1 Peter 2:24, by, His stripes we were healed?

However you honestly answered that question in your heart makes the difference in your situation. You have to choose to believe that GOD cannot lie (1 Sam 15:29, Num 23:19, Titus 1:2) or change (Mal 3:6), that His Word is true…. regardless of what the circumstances are telling you. You cannot attempt to exercise your faith in HIS Word based on head knowledge. That’s not enough!

That’s why we must constantly center ourselves on GOD’S Word, because it’s that Word that produces faith in our hearts. In fact, you cannot deepen your faith in God without deepening your trust in His Word. Let God be found true… if you believe in His Word, it will come to pass



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