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MOW:TS – TRUTH and FREEDOM are inseparable (MOW Family)

Ministry of the Word (MOW):

True Spirituality (TS).

MOW-TS Improving our Spiritual Understanding

Theme: TRUTH and FREEDOM are  inseparable.

Memory  Verse:


You have to embrace the truth passionately, if you desire to be free indeed. In other words, no trace of deceit and falsehood must come from your thoughts and lips because the Holy Spirit of God is the Spirit of the truth (John 16:13).

Complete freedom is often miraculous, and is like a dream. I know this personally, because I have experienced it myself. The Psalmist tell us this much: ” When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream…”(Psalm 126:1-3).

Without deep knowledge of the truth, standing by the truth, doing the truth and defending the truth, out freedom is only partial. Many people are in spiritual bondage, yet they don’t know it.

The truth may not be easy to defined or explain in scientific terms. I once watched a television program where the guest speaker, introduced as a “spiritual person”,  defined the truth as: “that which is”. We know as a fact that scientific data or information are facts and not truth. Spiritually speaking, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the truth. He says: ” I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Our memory verse says:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” ( John 8:32). In verse 36, the word of God says: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed “(John 8:36). In other words, if the truth shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. The Son here refers to the spiritual person of Jesus Christ, the number two in the Holy Trinity.

There are levels of freedom. Unfortunately, many  people who are in bondage may not have awareness of being in it.  Bondage can be physical, mental and spiritual. Spiritual bondage is by far worse than physical or mental bondage. For  example, a person who is physically in prison may be spiritually free if he abides in the Lord, and the Lord can set him free physically if he praises and worships Him sufficiently enough, just as what happened to Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-26).

Knowledge is very vital to complete freedom.  Ignorance is at the root of many captivity, resulting in destruction ( Hosea 4:6). No one can truly flourish when in bondage.

The Scripture says:

“Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge”( Isaiah 5:13).

Many at times, I am stunned by the level of ignorance, falsehood and lies by those I interact with, even by those who “go to church” regularly. In my personal work and walk with the Lord, I have observed people lie very easily to cover up wrong deeds, as if the unrighteous act itself is not  bad enough, yet, the Bible clearly tells us that lying is the true nature of the devil ( John 8:44).

Without totally surrendering your life to Jesus, you can not be free indeed. The Truth ( Jesus Christ) can only set you free indeed if you embrace Him and cleave to Him at all cost. And we know from the scripture that Jesus Christ is the Word of God( John 1:1).

Without total freedom, we cannot worship God in Christ in spirit and in truth ( John 4:24). Neither can we love God with all our heart, soul and mind without freedom indeed( Matt 22:37).

Take that vital decision to be cleaved to the Word today!

Have a Spirit-filled week in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: There is a reader of this message. Receive the grace of total freedom in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen.

 Yours in defence of the Truth. Bro Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, & the MOW family

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