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MOW-Hunger for God’s Word (Bro Akpan Akaninyene)

Title: Hunger for God’s Word By Bro Akpan Akaninyene

Date: 19 Mar 14

Beloved in the Lord,

Greetings in the most precious name of Jesus Christ. Today, we are looking at “hunger for God’s word” as a characteristic of a true disciple of Jesus Christ. In the book of John chapter 6, the Bible tells us of how Jesus was teaching in the Synagogue, and many of the disciples got offended by the teaching and decided to walk away from him. Look at verse 66 “From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer follow him”

When they turned back, Jesus turned to those that were still following him and asked if they were not also leaving? “Simon Peter answered him “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of life” verse 68.

Yes, that’s the attitude of true disciples. They are not offended by God’s word, they don’t choose the ones to hear and the ones not to hear. They accept the totality of God’s word; they place a high value on  his word; they are hungry for God’s word and will forgo anything for it. True disciples of Jesus, like the Psalmist see the word as “a lamp to their feet, and a light to their path” (Psalm 119:105), they see it as their buckler (Psalm 18:30). They take delight in God’s word and meditate on it. (Psalm 1:2). They are doers of the word and not hearers only (James 1:22). They like to study the word of God. A day will not pass without engaging in it. They do not do anything outside of what  the word says. To them, the word is their watchword to every of their action. They don’t follow the bandwagon, but the word. It is not what the majority do that moves them, but what the word says.

Let’s check ourselves and see if we are living up to this or otherwise. It is God’s will that we do.

God bless you and keep you in Jesus’ name.

Revd A. U. Akpan is the president of Faith Activation Global Ministries, Lagos Nigeria.

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