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MOW-Season for Miracle (Pastor Bassey Usungedo)

8 November 2014

Beloved, by His grace the eleventh month is here -it’s God’s creation, your heavenly Father created it and He has positioned it in your favour. 

Yours truly believe in miracles ( that which God alone can do) irrespective of size , form and nature. One or more are in the making for you in Jesus mighty name, amen and amen.
We are believers in an Awesome God, the Possessor of heaven and earth so join me in the train of triumph, and season of victory because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary.  

Jer.32:27  “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”

Malachi.3:6 ” For I am the Lord I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob ( God) are not consumed”

Mark.9:23 ” Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth“

Luke.1:45.”And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”

Mk. 10:27 ” And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God : for with God all things are possible.”

I persuade you in the name of the Lord, let these scriptures permeate your spirit , soul and thoughts 24/7. Position your will against doubts, fear, and unbelief. For you will surely sing ” He that is Mighty has done to me great things: and Holy is His Name.”  

Our text inspires us to think of the deepest, highest, worthiest desire and longing of our hearts, something perhaps was a desire for you or someone dear to you, yet which has been so long unfulfilled and you’ve probably given up hope of seeing it fulfilled in this life.
Friend cheer up and stir up your spirit but ensure that desire is God’s will, for by God Almighty it’s done. God is at work.
“Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
Not when we believe in Him and we are at the center of His will. He will perform the impossible for you in Jesus Name. 
I tell you if Abraham and Sarah had continued in unbelief, Isaac wouldn’t have been born. Therefore fight unbelief.
The only thing too hard for our God is closed mind, deliberate continued disbelief in His love and power.
Friend your testimony is sure and about to happen because nothing is too hard for Jehovah our God to do for you.
Rest those desires on the Character, purpose and truth of God’s word as stated in all above for there shall be a performance, the glory shall be revealed and every eye shall see it says the Lord. 

God loves you friend. Stay blessed.

Pastor Bassey Usungedo.

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