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MOW-God is Speaking! (Bro Bassey Usungedo)

Title: God is Speaking! By Bro Bassey Usungedo

Date: 5th March, 2014

Written clearly in the Holy Bible(Gen- Rev) is God’s word and wrapped-in there are expressions of God’s Mind and Will to man and His creation.

The scripture says:

“In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And the word was made(became) flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn. 1:1-2,14.

The summary of the scripture above is that Jesus is the Message, the Living Word ( Word Personified) and the Written Word (The

Holy Bible).

In the life of Jesus, therefore, God was speaking to the world, speaking and demonstrating just what He wanted to say to man. He’s the word of life, the very message of life – Jn1:4; 1Jn.1:1; Jn. 6:63.

As The Word PERSONIFIED, Jesus’ life, acts and teachings, tell us how to live – guiding, instructing, directing etc – Prov.6:21-23; 2Tim3:15-16; Psm32:8.

Being the word of God, Jesus was the perfect expression of all that God wishes man to be; the great picture, the pattern and God’s utterance. He’s the precise man of God’s heart.

From the fore going, we should place the highest value, worth and respect on God’s word.

While reading , studying and meditating on the word, we are in fellowship with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and the insight we receive is God speaking TO us and WITH us. The word of God brings to our reach the reign of Heaven and through faith and obedience , we can live our lives to the FULL.

Happy new month. Stay blessed.


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