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MOW:TS – The Three Pillars of Christianity: Faith, Hope & Love. (MOW Family)

Ministry of the Word (MOW):
True Spirituality (TS).

Improving our Spiritual Understanding.

Theme: The Three Pillars of Christianity: Faith, Hope & Love.

Somebody has said that FAITH makes all things possible; HOPE makes all things bright; LOVE makes all things beautiful.

I have always loved our memory verse , 1 Corinthians 13:13, ever since the Lord directed my spirit to it.  We know as a truth that in our daily spiritual life, faith, hope, and love are really important, “but the greatest of these is love”.

Remember, the word of God says faith is the assurance of what is hoped for ( Heb 11:1), and without faith, it is impossible to please God ( Heb 11:6). Remember all things are possible to him who believe (Mark 9:23).  Remember, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27).

As a Christian, if you are hopeless, and you expect nothing daily, you get nothing. True believers must remain hopeful and expectant because it is the expectation of the righteous that shall not be cut off ( Prov 23:18).

If faith and hope are so important in our spiritual lives, what then is love that the word of God says is greater than both faith and hope?  The answer is provided by the same 1 Corinthians 13.  This chapter of the Bible has always amazed me tremendously. Apostle Paul explains some deep spiritual things to us in this chapter. That as believers, we may speak in angelic tongues, “have the gift of prophecy”, “understand all mysteries, and all knowledge”, have faith that could move mountains, give all our goods to feed the poor, surrender our body for burnt sacrifice, and yet still NOT love (1 Cor 13:1-3).

He goes on to explain love in verses
4-8, using series of exclusive criteria. He explains love as enduring long (patient) and is kind, hope in all things, bearing all things in silence, not irritable, not rude, never failing etc ( NIV).  Please, meditate deeply on this chapter. So, it is possible to surrender all our possessions to feed the poor and still NOT love! So it is possible to sacrificially surrender our bodies to be burnt and still NOT love.  There are deep spiritual meanings in these. As you meditate, may God in Christ give you increasing understanding in Jesus Precious Name. No wonder the Bible says “God is love” ( 1 John 4:8).

Brethren, within the body of Christ, (the Church), do we truly love one another?  Do we truly love our neighbours as ourselves?  Even in our family life, do we truly love our spouses and children? You are the only one who can examine yourself and sincerely answer these questions. In Christ, may God give us more understanding in this area in Jesus name.

Have a Spirit-filled week in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer: There is a reader of this message, receive the grace of increasing Faith, Hope, and to have God’s kind of Love, in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen.

Apostles of Love, Bro Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, & the MOW family.

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