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MOW-You Can Start all Over Again (Bro Gabriel Sianu)

15 October 2015

TEXT: ISAIAH 48:1-22

The defeat you had yesterday; doesn’t mark today as an outstanding failure in God’s plan and purpose for your life. Temptation is bound to come, but not to bring you down; rather it’s to uplift you to the next level of a greater temptation, which equally leads to another great level of achievement.  Because you are meant to be going higher “For thou, O God, hast proved us:  thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.” (Ps. 66:10).

Life is a lesson, I agree! What should we say about those who are passing through, and learn nothing from it? Well it’s all about different mentalities. One can decide to stay where he/she has fallen, or make it a stepping stone to another level.

No matter how rough you might have lived; God still have a better plan for your life, do not be deceived by the devices of the enemy, they  are mere passage to your glorious destination. Only disregard iniquity. (Ps. 66:18, Prov. 15:29)

Every saint of today has his or her past, and every sinner who rises to heed to God’s commandment has a beginning. While studying today, the Holy Spirit led me to Isaiah 48:10 that says “BEHOLD, I HAVE REFINED THEE, BUT NOT WITH SILVER; I HAVE CHOSEN THEE IN THE FURNACE OF AFFLICTION.” Brethren this alone has already explained how great, God’s love is towards the human being.  It takes an eagle eye to see this.

When God refines you; a lot of things about you change instantly. The things you’ll experience include a total consecration to the things of the Spirit, divine breakthrough, unmerited favour etc. Truly it is written in The Bible that “And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner…” (Luke 20:17). Yet some believers find it difficult to believe; because they lack FAITH.

What you are experiencing now is not the end of it all, He has promised, and He (God) will surely bring it to pass, no matter what happens. Believe it or not, delay is never a denial you will achieve your destiny.

“Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand; thy walls are continually before me.” (Isa. 49:16)

Finally the promises of God are meant for His own Children, not strangers (sinners). Ninety nine point nine per cent (99.9%) righteousness makes no difference between you and those with zero per cent (0%), yield all to Jesus and let Him be the pilot of your life, directing all you do; because your destiny is with Him (God).

To everyone reading this, I proclaim the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ that added no sorrow into your life; you shall live to be a blessing to your world in Jesus name. Have a Spirit-Filled week.

God bless you.

Bro Gab.

MOW Minister


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