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Improving our Spiritual Understanding

Theme: Amazing Grace!

Memory  Verse:


Welcome to the month of May, 2014, the month of amazing grace. I prophesy that before the end of this month, someone reading this message, will have cause to testify, like the erstwhile blind man in the book of John: “Whereas I was blind, now I  see” ( John 9:25).

Being a full product of grace myself, I believe I am in position to say a few things about grace. I bless God for RCCG, Open Heavens by Pastor Adeboye and the various true and sincere men of God that God has used to multiply my grace. Truly, grace multiply with your knowledge of Jesus Christ(2 Pet 1:2).

I am led to recall an extract of a message I heard while attending one of the RCCG congresses in Nigeria,  where a man of God said the following about Grace. He said: Grace does not always choose the qualified, but grace qualifies the chosen; Grace can turn a ridicule to a miracle;  Grace may acquit the guilty, hence grace is an advocate; Grace can pick a beggar from a dung hill and set him before kings; he also said all faces may look alike until grace sets on one of  them and make him distinguished, therefore grace beautifies.

What is grace? In simple term, grace means unmerited favour. Instead of punishment for having done wrong, we obtain mercy and favour from God. Grace is actually  a spiritual being. According to the word of God, Jesus Christ is the grace of God for humanity. The Bible says: whereas the law came through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus( John 1:17).  Verse 14, says Jesus came “full of grace and truth” ( John 1:14).

I may not know  what challenges you are going through right now. Your situation or circumstance may seem hopeless. But one thing I do know is that the GRACE of God is sufficient for you in Christ Jesus. Cleave unto Jesus in total surrendering. His grace is all we need: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2Cor 9:8).

When Amazing Grace touched a man born lame from birth  at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, through the hand of Peter, the bible says he was: “walking, and leaping, and praising God” (Acts 3:8).

Your “thorn in the flesh” may not be removed, but He will give you sufficient grace to sail through. According  to our memory verse, the power of God comes to perfection where there is a weakness. Like Apostle Paul , let us learn to praise God in our weakness, instead of grumbling and complaining, so that the power of God may be made perfect in us.

PRAYER: For every one reading this message, may your grace be multiplied  in Jesus mighty name, Amen! May grace give you testimonies before the end of  this month of grace. Amen!

 Yours in the Vineyard of Grace. Ben Bassey, Iyobosa, & the MOW family

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“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8)

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