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The Founder

About Founder Bro Ben Bassey the Founder and the  Leader of the  Ministry of the Word (MOW)  has been a passionate lover of the undiluted  and unadulterated word of God from childhood, and is very committed to the  diligent obedience of the word of God, as a basis for enjoying divine health.  He [...]

7 Steps

7 Steps To Successful Christian Living Everything on earth, places, animals and all human beings are products of God’s mind, and He had an intention for everything He created. The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein (Psalm 24:1). It is also important [...]

The True God

The True God – by Sister Iyobosa Ekhator Sist Iyobosa Ekhator, minister 15 October 2013- Theme: The True God Memory Verse: But the LORD is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting king: at His wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be [...]

Light of the World

LIGHT OF THE WORLD! BY SISTER IYOBOSA EKHATOR  18/05/14 THEME: LIGHT OF THE WORLD! MEMORY VERSE: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid  (Matthew 5:14). Beloved Light can be perceived as electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human [...]


Letting The Scripture Speak For Itself The Word of God is Living, of course The Word is God. It is God in principle and one of the major features is that it speaks, declares what has been, what will be and what is happening. The Word is latent with potent [...]